Loving the Small-Town Hero by Carla Swafford

Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense

Date Published: June 27, 2023

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A crazy old song echoes in her head. Why? Well, she shot the sheriff, but her brother didn’t shoot the deputy. Or something like that. So let’s find out what really happened…

After Molly Hicks escaped her hometown of Sand City, Alabama, her plans of never returning are ignored when her parents demand she help control her troublemaking younger brother. No sooner than she arrives, he’s thrown in jail accused of killing a deputy. Then she shoots the sheriff. Just a graze, but she lands in a cell alongside her sibling.

Sheriff J.T. Rogan refuses to admit he has a soft spot for any Hicks, especially Molly. The same girl whose father kicked him out of town as a teenager. So when he releases her without filing charges, it’s no surprise she stalks him around town, insisting he find the real killer.

When another body turns up, while her brother is locked up, J.T. is beginning to believe Molly. As they track down clues and come up with suspects, he remembers why he always wanted to be her hero.

About the Author

Carla Swafford loves romance novels, action/adventure movies, and men, and her books reflect that. And on top of all that, she’s crazy about hockey, and thankfully, no one has made her turn in her Southern Belle card.

So, it’s no surprise she writes spicy romantic suspense filled with mercenaries, motorcycle one-percenters, and southern criminals. And in the last few years, she’s included sexy hockey players in books without suspense, except for the kind that asks, how will they ever find their happily ever after?

Married to her high school sweetheart, she lives in southeast USA.

Be sure to sign up for her newsletter to receive info on giveaways, book cover reveals, etc.


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The Mafia King’s Siren by Beth D. Carter


Death Riders MC Series, Book 3

Contemporary, MC Romance, Mafia Romance

Date Published: May 30, 2023

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

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She was sin on two legs, and he wanted to drown in her wickedness.

The moment Damon Barese lays his gaze on Zaylah Wence, he knew he’d move heaven and hell to have her. A beautiful siren singing in a sleezy jazz club owned by one of his enemies. She’s given to him as a peace offering, but the more time he spends with her, the more he wants to unravel all her secrets.

A hint of cruelty lay in his gaze.

Zaylah was trapped, a prisoner in a gilded cage as she sang every night for a man who holds her sister captive. She’s given to Damon, to learn his secrets, but if she crosses the mafia king no one would ever find her body. She walks a tightrope between the man she’s becoming enamored with and the man who controls her.

Could there ever be a happy ever after for the mafia king and his siren?



About the Author

I began reading my mom’s Harlequin Presents in the fifth grade, and from the first story I knew I wanted to write romance novels. Love is the most powerful emtion we can experience, and I adore happy ever afters. I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate highrollers.  I try to write characters who aren’t cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I strive to write complex characters  full of flaws, heroes and heroines who find redemption through love.


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A Plague of Mercies by Adam Pelzman

A Plague of Mercies
Adam Pelzman
Publication date: June 7th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Poetry, Romance

A lethal plague sweeps the globe. Millions have died. Survivors are confined to their homes.

Gabriel passes his time in a small New York apartment on the city’s Upper West Side. During the plodding solitude of the lockdown, he observes several strangers in their nearby apartments. As he watches them struggle to survive a world at risk of extinction, he wonders about their lives—where they’re from, what they value, how they’re coping with a deadly contagion. All alone, he develops a vague yet important connection to these people, an affection for those who are struggling to survive isolation, fear and looming death.

Told in powerful, spellbinding free verse, Gabriel’s observations grow deeper and more elaborate as the endless days pass. But when he and a woman from across the street begin to watch each other from afar, his imagination begins to collide with the bleak reality of the times.

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There is a woman who lives in a building in New York City,

on the Upper West Side.

A man just a few years older lives in a building across the street.

These two people live at the same elevation,

the same height,

one hundred feet above the pavement,

above the crust of the earth.

They can see into each other’s apartments.

Every night before the woman gets into bed

she puts on a threadbare gray shirt.

The shirt is long and sleeveless and extends down to her knees.

She turns off the ceiling light

and then turns on a nightlight near her bed.

The light casts an amber glow reminiscent of a campfire.

The man in the other apartment wonders if the nightlight

is the woman’s response to a fear of the dark,

to a threat real or imagined,

an antidote of sorts.

After she turns on the nightlight

she looks briefly through her window.

Perhaps she is reflecting on another day passed.

Perhaps she is considering the quality of her life,

or the quantity that remains.

Perhaps she is scanning the dark street for signs of life,

for hope in any of its many forms.

Author Bio:

Adam Pelzman was born in Seattle, raised in northern New Jersey, and has spent most of his life in New York City. He studied Russian literature at the University of Pennsylvania and went to law school at UCLA. His first novel, Troika, was published by Penguin (Amy Einhorn Books) and later republished by Jackson Heights Press as A Cuban Russian American Love Story. He is also the author of The Papaya King (which Kirkus Reviews described as “entrancing” and “deeply memorable”) and The Boy and the Lake (which is set in New Jersey during the late 1960s). His newest novel is A Plague of Mercies.

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Immortal Kiss Series by Laura Daleo

The Immortal Kiss Dark Fantasy Romance Series is ON SALE for $0.99 for a Limited Time!



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Centuries ago ten powerful vampire gods first walked the earth; their blood thirst knew no boundaries. The destruction of mankind was inevitable. Recognizing their weakness, they selected twelve wise human beings to transform with their godly blood. These twelve, known as The Old Ones and The Council, govern The Ten. A blood lottery appeasing The Ten’s hunger was set forth into the human world and passed down every fifth generation, continuing into the present day.

All of Beth Ryan’s life a mysterious mist has watched over her; a mist she believed to be a vampire. On a cold winter night, Philippe Delon, a 700-year-old vampire walks into Beth’s life. She is drawn to him, certain he is the vampire behind the mist…but is he?

Beth and Philippe cannot deny their love for each other, nor do they try to fight it. Within days of their encounter, Beth accepts Philippe’s invitation to move into his mansion. The mansion unlocks the door to the vampire world and exposes secrets from Beth’s past. Within its walls, she learns the true identity of the mist, her link to the blood lottery, and betrayal of her loved ones. Surrounded by lies, Beth stands before The Council begging for resolution.

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Five years crawled by at a painfully slow pace for young vampire, Beth; each year more agonizing than the next. The powerful unyielding spell which masked Amon’s whereabouts showed no signs of weakening.  Influenced by the binding ritual and Amon’s blood surging inside her, Beth will stop at nothing, and risk everything, to find him and turn the tables on Osiris, Isis, and Hathor.  In foggy streets of London, lives are threatened by a new breed of hunter, and nothing is what it seemed.  Beth once again finds herself surrounded by betrayal.  In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Philippe and Amon – knowing that her decision will change one life forever. But whose?


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Brandon Cass is not your average teenager. He has a taste for blood—human blood. For sixteen years, he stumbled through life without a hitch until the enigmatic aroma of blood awakened something dark within him. Visions of a beautiful young woman with chocolate brown hair and ocean blue eyes haunt his mind, yet her identity is a puzzling mystery.

His hunger for blood strengthens, and the cravings become too powerful to control. No one is safe, not even his family. To safeguard all he once found dear, Brandon sets out on a quest for answers. In an unfamiliar city, he comes face-to-face with the beautiful young woman, confronts the dark force which controls him, and learns what he must endure to reclaim his soul.


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About the Author

LAURA DALEO is known for capturing vampiric persuasion in her Immortal Kiss series. This book takes an interesting spin on the Egyptian pantheon, from which vampires originated. At present, she is working on Once We Were Witches, the fourth book in the Immortal Kiss series.

Immortal Kiss, Bound by Blood, The Vow, The Vampire Within, The Soul Collector, and The Doll are among her published works.

She grew up in San Diego, California, and currently lives with her two dogs, Rose and Cooper, in Tucson, Arizona.


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Prophecy of Gods and Crows bt C.D. Britt

Prophecy of Gods and Crows
C.D. Britt
(Clan of Shadows, #1)
Publication date: June 6th 2023
Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Paranormal, Romance

Welcome to Hell’s Half Acre.

Bryndis Kenneally is an anomaly, which is saying something when you live in a place called Hell.

Despite being born into a family of healers, she is unable to follow in their footsteps since disturbing visions overwhelm her with almost every human touch.

With few allies at her back, she keeps her head down… until she starts to see a man made of shadows, and a crow begins to track her every move.

Now, she can no longer pretend to be a normal woman among a town looking for witches to burn.

That is until a freak sandstorm brings more than she bargained for… and quite possibly her salvation.

Book one in the Clan of Shadows series, a dystopian paranormal romance series.

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Bryndis Kenneally had just slipped between the cool sheets of her bed as night relinquished its hold on the small desert town. The sun was just beginning its trek across the sky as it broke over the horizon, but the familiarity of another day ended when the warning horns rang instead of the typical church bells that announced the beginning of morning service.

The only reason for the city guards to sound the horns was one that made her heart pound as her skin grew clammy. Running to her window, she tripped over her bed sheet, catching herself on the sill and earning a splinter in her palm for it. Her concern was not about the small pain, but about what was happening on a much larger scale down on the street below. Something that rarely happened in their small town, and the last time it had, she’d lost her entire world.

The stifling heat radiating from her window did nothing to stop the chills moving along her skin as she took in what the horns meant.

The gate was opening.

Looking through the dirty window, sand having accumulated along the panes, she watched as the last true member of her family, her cousin Jace, stepped out of the church doors.

Just as her father had done ten years ago.

Her mind moving back and forth between two very different times in her life, she watched Jace, the town doctor, donning the same gear her father had to make the same trek.

The exact same type of mask her father had worn ten years ago on his final journey past the gate slipped over a different face. In a tribute to their god, the leather bull mask was adorned with brass horns that glinted in the sun and one glass eye blacked out in tribute.

That same mask now covered the face of the man who was the last of her family.

Her throat tightened as the same brown hood went up over his blond hair, taking all that identified Jace from the rest away as he became a symbol of the end of Bryn’s world.

Identical to what her father had once worn and died in.

The town scrios, the leader of the Church of Baleros, stepped up next to her cousin and nodded as he affixed his own mask, before pulling the hood of his brown cloak up to cover his salt-and-pepper hair.

The two vastly different-looking men were now indistinguishable from each other after having donned the religious regalia.

Uniformity was the town’s unofficial motto.

Author Bio:

C.D. Britt began her writing journey when her husband told her she needed to use her excessive imagination to write stories as opposed to creating a daily narrative for him. Ever since she penned her first words, life has been a lot more peaceful for him.

She currently resides in Texas where she has yet to adapt to the heat. Her husband thrives in it, so unfortunately they will not be relocating to colder climates anytime soon.

Their two young children would honestly complain either way.

When she is not in her writing cave (hiding from the sun), she enjoys ignoring the world as much as her children will allow with a good book, music, and vast amounts of coffee (until it’s time for wine).

C.D. Britt is the author of Shadows and Vines and the upcoming book, Sirens and Leviathans.

Both books are part of the Reign of Goddesses series.

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The Unseelie’s Wallflower by Elisa Rae

The Unseelie’s Wallflower
Elisa Rae
(Courts of Conflict, #1)
Publication date: June 6th 2023
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Greyson hides many things from the Unseelie Court when they invade his estate each autumn for the Wild Hunt. During his required appearance as host, he is surprised to find a human among the glittering fae. She can see him even when he is using his stealth magic, which means only one thing—they are soul mates. Can he protect her amidst the swirl of fae politics and a plot against her life?

Lyra has grown up among the fae. She has been trained to be the perfect servant. Then her master brings her to the Unseelie Court event of the year and demands she demonstrate her skills to nobles. With the promise of freedom as a motivator, she willingly agrees. Then she realizes her master’s true plan thanks to the intimidating fae lord hosting the event. Though why he would be invested in her fate is a mystery.

The Unseelie’s Wallflower is a light, fantasy romance novella about a relationship between an Unseelie and a human woman. It features faes, fated mates, and a romance between a noble and a servant, all played out against a backdrop of the peril, politics, and maneuverings of the Unseelie Court.

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Then I noticed her, the singular human. A female, small even for her species, hid among the ferns at the foot of one of the massive pillars supporting the soaring ceiling. Dressed simply, she watched the crowd with wary attention, burrowing deeper into the plants’ accommodating fronds every time a guest wandered near her hiding place.

Curious, I meandered that way. Slipping around the far side of the pillar, I settled in the deepest shadows of the plant next to her fern and set my back against the stone. She had chosen a good spot for spying. Most of the foot traffic flowed around this central point, but few of the passersby glanced in our direction. They ignored the greenery placed around the walls and bracketing the windows of my entryway.

“Bored with eavesdropping?” she asked.

I glanced over at her. Fronds framed her features as her bright eyes scanned the mingling crowd. She hadn’t turned my way, but somehow, I was certain she spoke to me. Assessing our surroundings, I noted no one else stood close enough to overhear or be the object of her query.

“Are you speaking to me?” I asked.

“Who else?” She flicked a glance over her shoulder. Blue eyes focusing on my face and the softening of her mouth hinted at a smile.

“You see me?” Utter surprise brought a great rush of excitement. No one saw me when I wished to be hidden. Not even my own kind could detect my passing. Yet this slender human, magicless and helpless, not only saw me but didn’t hesitate to speak to me. It meant one thing. My breath caught in my chest. She was my soul mate.

“Of course, I see you.” Her mouth deepened into a suppressed smile while hidden laughter brightened her eyes. “You are a bit hard to miss.”

Author Bio:

A reader of fairytales and folklore, Elisa Rae loves a happy ending. Noblebright characters, dastardly villains, and chemistry between characters delight her. When she isn’t writing, she loves to watch superhero movies and literary dramas.

Elisa Rae is the pen name of Rachel Rossano.

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Monster Mate by Isabel Jordan

Monster Mate
Isabel Jordan
(Sanity Falls, #2)
Publication date: June 9th 2023
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Falling for the monster she just friend zoned would be problematic…right?

Roxie Rowe will never be a victim. Not again, anyway.

She totally could’ve handled the handsy Orc who grabbed her outside the Monster Match event.

But she didn’t have to because he showed up.

Her hero was Riordan Merrick, a 7’-tall, red-skinned, horned demon from a hell dimension. But that’s not the weird part.

See, he insists she’s his fated mate.

Even if she did believe in fate (she doesn’t), and even if Riordan wasn’t smokin’ hot (he is), her romantic history taught her relationships aren’t for her.

But when accidents start happening around her at an alarming rate, Roxie realizes she might need a little help from her wannabe monster mate.

And the more time she spends with him in forced proximity, the harder it gets to remember why she’s anti commitment.

So, how’s a girl supposed to hang on to her heart when all she really wants to do is hold onto the demon who keeps trying to steal it?

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Author Bio:

The normal:

Isabel Jordan writes because it’s the only profession that allows her to express her natural sarcasm and not be fired. She is a paranormal and contemporary romance author. Isabel lives in the U.S. with her husband, her son, a neurotic Shepherd mix, and a ginormous Great Dane mix named Jerkface. (Don’t feel bad for Jerkface. He really is a jerk.)

The weird:

Now that the normal stuff is out of the way, here’s some weird-but-true facts that would never come up in polite conversation. Isabel Jordan:

1. Is terrified of butterflies (don’t judge…it’s a real phobia called lepidopterophobia)

2. Is a lover of all things ironic (hence the butterfly on the original cover of Semi-Charmed)

3. Is obsessed with Supernatural, Game of Thrones, and Dog Whisperer.

4. Hates coffee. Drinks a Diet Mountain Dew every morning.

5. Will argue to the death that Pretty in Pink ended all wrong. (Seriously, she ends up with the guy who was embarrassed to be seen with her and not the nice guy who loved her all along? That would never fly in the world of romance novels.)

6. Would eat Mexican food every day, if given the choice.

7. Reads two books a week in varied genres.

8. Refers to her Kindle as “the precious”.

9. Thinks puppy breath is one of the best smells in the world.

10. Is a social media idgit. (Her husband had to explain to her what the point of Twitter was. She’s still a little fuzzy on what Instagram and Pinterest do.)

11. Kicks ass at Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

12. Stole her tagline idea from her son. Her tagline idea was, “Never wrong, not quite right.” She liked her son’s idea better.

13. Breaks one vacuum cleaner a year because she ignores standard maintenance procedures (Really, you’re supposed to empty the canister every time you vacuum? Does that seem excessive to anyone else?)

14. Is still mad at the WB network for cancelling Angel in 2004.

15. Can’t find her way from her bed to her bathroom without her glasses, but refused eye surgery, even when someone else offered to pay. (They lost her at “eye flap”. Seriously, look it up. Scary stuff.)

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The Sorceress Transcendent by Casey Blair

The Sorceress Transcendent
Casey Blair
Publication date: June 6th 2023
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Once mortal enemies on the battlefield, what can they become supporting each other instead?
When Varius, the greatest general of the Aurelian Empire, is forced to flee his homeland, there’s only one person he can turn to.

A powerful sorceress and once his most deadly enemy, Theira is the only combatant who’s ever escaped the war between their peoples. But with the memories of how they kept each other going from opposite sides of a battlefield, when a bleeding Varius knocks on her door, she lets him in, even knowing what will follow.

Theira may have gotten away, but as long as the war goes on, she’ll never really be free. Now with both their peoples actively hunting them, the two most dangerous fighters in a never-ending war will have to join forces to do the impossible: end it once and for all, on their terms.

And if they can dare to dream boldly enough, maybe find happiness for themselves, too.

The Sorceress Transcendent is a stand-alone enemies-to-lovers epic fantasy romance novella about badasses who enjoy a cozy cup of tea after a long day wreaking epic destruction, because why choose? This story is for everyone who knows what’s coming when your former mortal enemy and best rival knocks on the door in the middle of the night and says, “I had nowhere else to go.”

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“I was beginning to wonder,” Theira said, cool amusement in her voice, “if you thought that this time for sure you would be able to simply stare me into submission.”

It was the sound of her voice after all this time more than even the vision of her alive and well and free and gorgeous that almost undid him. His knees tried to buckle, and Varius caught himself.

Theira tracked the movement, and the thorny vines withdrew abruptly. She never missed anything, even if she didn’t speak. How long had he stood at the door like a dumbass?

And now she also knew he was at her mercy, that he had no hidden strategy she needed to counter, that she could kill him at any time without worry. A first, for them. Varius might have been ashamed if he hadn’t suspected she was nonplussed.

He stared at this sorceress, his once-best enemy, who waited with endless patience for him to get to the godscursed point. He sucked in a breath to greet her politely and make his case, to explain and formally request her forbearance, but what made it out was:

“I had nowhere else to go.”

The words dropped into the night like a stone in a pool.

Theira’s deeply expressive eyes flickered, knowing.

Unimaginable, that his life had somehow come to this.

But the empire he had given his life and body and soul to had betrayed him—betrayed them all. No one there could protect him or anyone else any longer.

Varius had spent almost his whole life at war, and now it was only an enemy he could turn to.

Theira held his gaze for a long moment and then said, “You’d better come in.”

Author Bio:

Casey Blair writes adventurous fantasy novels for all ages, and her serial fantasy Tea Princess Chronicles is available online for free. After graduating from Vassar College, her own adventures have included teaching English in rural Japan, attending the Viable Paradise residential science fiction and fantasy writing workshop, and working as an indie bookseller. She now lives in the Pacific Northwest and can be found dancing spontaneously, exploring forests around the world, or trapped under a cat. For more information visit her website caseyblair.com or follow her on Twitter @CaseyLBlair.

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The Highlander’s Enchantress by Violetta Rand

The Highlander’s Enchantress
Violetta Rand
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Publication date: May 29th 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical, Romance

If her cruel and domineering father were to be believed, Kali Bane is the worst of women. Defiant. Independent. Were it not for her beloved younger sisters, she would have sought her freedom long ago. When she refuses to wed an old, wine-soaked English lord, her father bans her to the McKay clan in the Highlands, warning them that she’s a witch.

There is no welcome at the McKay castle—only an aging laird prone to fits of temper who believes that Kali is, in fact, a witch. A sorceress. Here she is little more than a hostage, kept from sight from almost all but Adam McKay, the laird’s son, whose hypnotic green eyes make her long for something forbidden. It’s almost enough to make her abandon all thoughts of escape.

Kali is the only one who can protect her sisters from their father’s greedy machinations. But the longer she remains imprisoned in the McKay tower, the more Kali and Adam realize there are other forces at play. They’re both pieces in a silent, terrible game that could destroy everyone they’ve ever loved…including each other.

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He tugged their joined hands onto his lap so she had to turn and face him again. “Live.”



“Aye.” She seemed to understand now.

“Prosper, regardless of yer circumstances. What better way to spit in the bastard’s eye?”

She rewarded him with a soul-warming smile—soul-stealing, really. Pretty white teeth, each one a precious pearl, and perfectly formed lips stole his attention. And the sound of her tinkling laughter…

He was doomed. Cast into the pits of agony because this untouchable—forbidden—woman stirred something inside him that had long been dormant. Perhaps never there before. There were dozens of local lasses worthy of his affection and respect, but they all paled in comparison to this striking woman. She was fire and ice, sunlight and moonlight, sweet and bitter, and any other paradox his addled mind could create.

“Why are ye staring at me?” she asked, appearing uncomfortable.

“I hold ye in the highest esteem, lass—yer tenacity and iron will to survive.”

Again, her features softened at his words. Aye, he’d have to tread carefully with this one. She missed little if anything. If only he could reach out and caress her cheek—provide comfort and reassurance with tender kisses.

For a brief moment he forgot himself and leaned closer, his mouth hovering just above hers. Adam’s heartbeat intensified, and his mind swirled with anticipation of what she would taste like. What it would feel like to hold her in his arms? But as their gazes clashed, he remembered her words, how men always wanted something… Damn it, she was beautiful and smelled so lovely and looked so perfect.

Be the honorable man ye were raised to be…

Author Bio:

USA Today Bestselling author Violetta Rand was raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, and spent her childhood reading, writing, and playing soccer. After meeting her husband in New England, they moved to Alaska where she spent a decade working as a scientist before quitting her day job to pursue her dream as a full time writer.

Violetta still lives in Alaska and spends her days writing evocative romance. When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she enjoys time with her husband, pets, and friends.

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White Hares & Midnight Dares by Laura Strickland

I am so excited that WHITE HARES AND MIDNIGHT DARES by Laura Strickland is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a finished copy of the book courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


About The Book:


Author: Laura Strickland

Pub. Date: May 22, 2023

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Formats:  Paperback, eBook

Pages: 107

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/WHITE-HARES-AND-MIDNIGHT-DARES

Diana Gendarme has spent her life doing for others, so when she moves into her dream cottage, she’s ready for some “me” time. But the cottage is shabby and her new neighbors quite close. One of them makes a din in his blacksmith’s forge all day long yet has the nerve to complain about her beagle’s yodeling. He’s the last sort of man who should attract Diana. So why can’t she resist the absurd dares he persists in issuing?

Reg Coltsfoot doesn’t plan on falling for his neighbor. A lifelong charmer, he’s used to women falling for him instead. There’s just something about Diana that has him longing to draw her out of her staid life and into his. Maybe it’s the magic of spring, but Reg will do all he can to persuade Diana she needs his laughter and his love to light her days.



He had assumed a wide, protective stance and he looked absolutely nothing like the image of Mr. Coltsfoot lodged in Diana’s head. In fact, this could not be Mr. Coltsfoot. He did not appear old enough. A caregiver, perhaps. Or Mr. Coltsfoot’s son.

He had a bared head of thick, dark hair tumbling in an unruly fashion over his brow, and a face suffused with outrage. He wore a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck and a pair of tan slacks, and he made Diana suck in a breath as if someone had struck her in the gut.

“I’m sorry, is that your pet?” she called, seeing the creature nestled comfortably in his arms. She didn’t know if he heard her over Amundsen’s baying, which continued unabated.

He snarled in response. Diana could take it for nothing but a snarl. He tossed back his head and shouted, “I hope your dog is not going to be a problem.”

Diana did not appreciate being shouted at, though she supposed under the circumstances he had no other option.

He’s not my dog. The words trembled on her lips but she did not speak them. To all intents and purposes, Amundsen had become her responsibility.

He’d been Dad’s dog, a loyal if ofttimes trouble-making companion. He could decimate an unsecured kitchen garbage pail in mere seconds. He could open a refrigerator door and select whatever appealed to him. He could chew up and destroy anything not made of cast iron.


About Laura Strickland:

Multi award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk or something in between. Her first Scottish Historical hero, Devil Black, battled his way onto the publishing scene in 2013, and the author never looked back. Nor has she tapped the limits of her imagination. Venturing beyond Historical and Contemporary Romance, she created a new world with her ground-breaking Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series set in her native city, in Western New York. Married and the parent of one grown daughter, Laura has also been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs, the latest of whom is a little boy named Tinker, and is intensely interested in animal welfare. Her love of dogs, and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura’s mantra is Lore, Legend, Love, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.


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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International.

Ends May 29th, midnight EST.

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