Teaser Tuesday- Galactic Treasure by Theodora Marie Adams


Sci-Fi Romance, LGBTQ, Alien Encounters, Multiple Partners

Date Published: February 17, 2023

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Connor Masterson has finally managed to take some time off and go to Earth Con. For three days and nights, he’s going to get his geek on without worrying about work or the latest edition of his science fiction manga. He never expected to find two men who embody all his dreams and fantasies there and certainly not right after signing in. 

Neither Valvik nor Zaraheed are looking forward to their current assignment: go to the Earth Con located in Austin, Texas and track down any and all rumors on the Ark scrolls, an ancient collection needed for the betterment of their dying people. Neither warrior expects to be drawn to a human, especially the same one.

The two men are determined to stay as low key as possible while searching for the scrolls, but that might be hard to do when an intergalactic killer wants the scrolls for himself.



Copyright ©2023 Theodora Marie Adams


“I truly cannot believe you have somehow convinced me to participate in this harebrained scheme of yours,” Valvik growled through clenched teeth as he looked around the lobby. It was filled with people clustered in groups. Some were talking loudly, others were whispering as though fearful someone other than their neighbor would hear their innermost secrets. There were humans dressed in their favorite character’s attire, aliens, human and alien scientists, intergalactic explorers and military men and women, and everything in between represented in the lobby of the center housing this weekend’s Earth Con.

Valvik pulled at the hem of his simple white T-shirt. He felt ridiculously underdressed seeing as more than a quarter of the people there were dressed to the nines in their costumes and regalia, particularly those with an intergalactic military background. “I should have worn my uniform,” he snarled.

“This is an important assignment given to us by General Tsubotai himself.” Zaraheed turned slightly and looked over his shoulder at Valvik. His handsome face was a mask of displeasure. One dark eyebrow arched. “We are attempting to fit in. We are already conspicuous enough,” he whispered harshly, glancing around at the many eyes watching them in curiosity.

At six feet eight, Valvik felt Zaraheed should be accustomed to being stared at on Earth. They’d been dealing with the looks the whole cursed assignment. Not that Valvik himself was much less physically impressive at six feet five inches.

Valvik stifled the urge to roll his eyes. It was a very human reaction, and really he was going to have to stop watching all their television, no matter how entertaining it was. “Humans are short. We look like giants compared to them. Second, we stand out because we are wearing regular clothing, or are you too blind to see everyone else is wearing their native ensembles? We are meant to be as discreet as possible.”

“By dressing as humans, we actually stand out more,” he grumbled. He glanced around the lobby again and blinked. “Isn’t that a Pulloxian?” Valvik asked, and jerked his chin toward the being in question.

The being wore no disguise, at least none that Valvik could recognize. The male, and Valvik could tell its gender from the marks on his fur and their placement, was not trying to hide his large droopy eyes, medium green skin with black splotches, or his four-fingered, claw-tipped hands. To a human, the Pulloxian looked like a two-legged basset hound with slightly smaller ears and green fur. He was as conspicuous as one could get.

Zaraheed followed his gaze. He sighed and his broad shoulders slumped slightly. His amber eyes searched the group gathered around the Pulloxian. “Maybe you are right, as that one does seem to be basking in their attention,” he admitted after a moment of contemplation.

“True.” Valvik continued moving through the crowd so he could reach the check-in table that stood right in the middle front of the lobby. His superior hearing was able to capture bits and pieces of the conversation flowing around him. It seemed the Pulloxian was going to be a “shoe in” for best costume.

“Still, General Tsubotai was clear about what he expected of us.”

“I read the mission parameters. There is no need to remind me. I would just like to point out that if we were allowed to wear our uniforms we would not be unarmed.”

Zaraheed snorted. “You expect me to believe you are unarmed at the moment. Do not play me for a fool, Valvik the Glorious. You are probably carrying no less than five blades on your person.”

Valvik allowed a small smile to settle across his mouth. “I am not as armed as I would like, and that is the truth. I am sure you feel the same, Zaraheed the Valiant,” he retorted, looking his compatriot up and down.

Zaraheed’s dark hair was bound into a single plait. The tail end of his sable hair swung just between the strong muscles of his back. A few strands had pulled free from the braid and framed the sides of Zaraheed’s sharply planed handsome face. His most startling and mesmerizing feature was his eyes. They shifted colors depending on his emotion, going from the lightest sunset orange to the darkest color of a flame. Valvik had never seen such eyes before. He doubted he’d ever see another pair again.

Zaraheed caught Valvik staring. His gaze tightened. “What?” he asked.

Valvik shook his head. “Nothing. Forgive me. It seems I was lost in my thoughts,” he admitted as he waved a consoling hand through the air.

Valvik was still trying to get accustomed to Zaraheed’s dark complexion. As far as he knew all the members of the House of the Gallant had light hair and eyes. Valvik’s house, Disciplined, had similar coloring. Valvik had pale blond hair and lavender eyes.

His dark hair and lightly tanned skin made Zaraheed an outsider, just as his gorgeous eyes did.

He’d heard rumors that Zaraheed was only half Tolkian. Valvik had done his best to ignore them as he wasn’t much for gossip but he couldn’t help wondering about the source of Zaraheed’s mesmerizing features.

This was the second mission the two were working together so it wasn’t that he’d never seen Zaraheed or noticed his unusual coloring, but there was something about seeing him in the lobby, wearing the preferred dress of the North American human male: white short-sleeve shirt and dark denim jeans, waiting in line for them to sign in for the Earth Convention that made Valvik all the more aware of his rich coloring.

The clothing should have made him appear as pale and washed out as it did Valvik, but Zaraheed looked magnificent. A small tendril of desire curled in his gut when he first walked into the convention center and spotted the Valiant warrior.

“I hope they are here,” Zaraheed murmured, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Valvik grimaced, thinking on his words. It would be a shame if the scrolls they were searching for weren’t on Earth. He personally thought it was ridiculous that the scrolls their whole legion had searched a thousand years and several galaxies for was supposedly on Earth and at a science fiction gathering. He laughed long and hard, until his stomach muscles protested, when his commanding officer relayed the information, thinking it was a joke.

Three standard months later and Valvik was in Austin, Texas, waiting in line for the Earth Convention.

Personally, Valvik didn’t think there was a chance in all the known solar systems of the Ark scrolls being at the convention, but he went where his commanding officer sent him. Even if it was the stupidest mission ever. “If it is… I’m not entirely sure what I will do, but I know it will include lots and lots of blood,” he muttered. And intoxicants. He would need barrels and barrels of wine to drink away the insult.

Zaraheed stilled. Valvik turned to look at his compatriot in question. Zaraheed shook his head as though confused, then, eyes bright, laughed. The booming sound caught the attention of the people waiting around them and they watched, mesmerized.

Valvik knew how they felt…



About the Author

Theodora is an avid traveler who discovered Japanese manga and anime in her youth, closely followed by yaoi. She’s been in love with pretty boys who love equally attractive men since then. Theodora can usually be found in a local coffee shop drinking black tea and typing furiously.


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Acing the Game by Carey PW

Acing the Game
Carey PW
Publication date: February 10th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

Is food really the way into a person’s heart?

Shep Lee thought he had it all. A successful restaurant, a loving husband who understood his asexuality, and most of all, the ability to be himself, a popular chef in the small town of Cloverleaf, Montana. That is, until his husband, Elmer Eshler, began pushing Shep more on sex.

Elmer doesn’t understand why he can’t turn his partner on—aren’t they perfect for each other? And Shep loves him, right? Shep, meanwhile, while confident with his body, is and forever will be sex indifferent. Why has Elmer suddenly changed his tune? But he doesn’t want to lose the man he loves so much. What can they do?

Shep convinces Elmer to try a polyamorous relationship. Elmer gets to have Shep and the sex life he’s always wanted. Shep gets a cooking buddy and a chance to experience a relationship and even try sex with a woman as his authentic gender. At first, Shep isn’t sure, but finds himself coming around—this feels safer than opening up the relationship. All three of them will be romantically involved, so that should ease any jealousy, right?

But when Willow Saint, a free-spirited, boisterous, and saucy young woman, comes into their lives, neither are prepared for the emotional and sexual rollercoaster that follows. Enthralled by Willow’s charm and kindness, Elmer and Shep struggle to understand what this means for their own bond. Can they become one happy family? Or will this ruin everything?

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“Can I tell you something? Please don’t tell anyone else?”

He nodded.

“I don’t like—well, sex is complicated for me,” I informed him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t want to have sex with other people. I’ve done it, and everything works fine, but I don’t get urges to do it with others.” I cringed at how strange it all sounded.

At that time, I’d no concept of asexuality. I knew that I didn’t experience sexual attraction, and I didn’t enjoy sex with people. Orgasms felt great. Yet, it was more natural to masturbate or maybe have someone give me a hand job. The kissing, the touching, and the intercourse part sometimes made me grimace. It wasn’t my thing.

I scoured his face, seeing his brows bent in deep thought—or confusion. I held my breath as I waited for him to say something.

“Are you not attracted to men?” he inquired.

I smirked a little. I got this same question every time I tried to talk to anyone about my sexuality. “I’m not gay. I mean, I’m bisexual in the sense that I’m willing to have sex with men or women. But this isn’t about me not being attracted to men. I prefer not to do it with another person.” I started cracking my knuckles. After Tank shared that he had a physical impairment, I figured he’d accept it and move on.

“So are you not into relationships?” he asked. His eyes darted all over as he gazed at me.

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “I very much want a relationship. Sex is part of that for many people. It isn’t the whole thing. I’d be extremely interested in having a relationship with you.” I smiled, offering him my hand.

He wrapped his fingers around mine and pulled his body closer to me.

“Does that mean that we can’t have sex in other ways? Like other than intercourse?” he asked, slowly caressing my palm.

I placed my head on his shoulder. “I think we can work out anything we want to. Something that works for both of us.”

He glanced away. “You’re not attracted to me then,” he stated somberly.

I pulled his face up and kissed him. His body shivered against mine. He slid his arm around me, squeezing me tight.

“I’m very much attracted to you as a person,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s what’s important. I find you pleasing to look at. It’s just not sexual.”

“I guess you won’t be cheating on me, then,” he joked and gave a little chuckle.

His face still looked confused, but we changed the subject and passed out on my couch, snuggling under a blanket. There would be many conversations, but from that moment on, Tank accepted me. About a year later, we got married.

Author Bio:

Carey PW (he/they) is an author, college instructor, and mental health counselor.

Carey currently lives in Montana, and identifies as nonbinary, transmasculine (AFAB) and panromantic asexual. Carey has discovered that writing about his lived experiences is a therapeutic outlet for him and hopes that his readers relate to his own personal struggles and triumphs shared through his characters’ narratives. He has also worked as a high school and college writing instructor, earning a B.A. in English Literature, a M.Ed. in English Education, and Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education all from the University of Georgia. In 2020, Carey earned his second M.Ed. in Counselor Education and works as a licensed clinical professional counselor, LCPC.

Readers can learn more about Carey from his blog, http://www.careypw.com. When he is not writing, Carey is busy training for marathons, parenting his six cats, sharing his culinary talents on social media, and serving on the board for the nonprofit Center for Studies of the Person (CSP).

Carey PW loves to hear from readers. You can find his contact information, website and author biography at http://www.extasybooks.com.

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