The Highlander’s Enchantress by Violetta Rand

The Highlander’s Enchantress
Violetta Rand
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Publication date: May 29th 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical, Romance

If her cruel and domineering father were to be believed, Kali Bane is the worst of women. Defiant. Independent. Were it not for her beloved younger sisters, she would have sought her freedom long ago. When she refuses to wed an old, wine-soaked English lord, her father bans her to the McKay clan in the Highlands, warning them that she’s a witch.

There is no welcome at the McKay castle—only an aging laird prone to fits of temper who believes that Kali is, in fact, a witch. A sorceress. Here she is little more than a hostage, kept from sight from almost all but Adam McKay, the laird’s son, whose hypnotic green eyes make her long for something forbidden. It’s almost enough to make her abandon all thoughts of escape.

Kali is the only one who can protect her sisters from their father’s greedy machinations. But the longer she remains imprisoned in the McKay tower, the more Kali and Adam realize there are other forces at play. They’re both pieces in a silent, terrible game that could destroy everyone they’ve ever loved…including each other.

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He tugged their joined hands onto his lap so she had to turn and face him again. “Live.”



“Aye.” She seemed to understand now.

“Prosper, regardless of yer circumstances. What better way to spit in the bastard’s eye?”

She rewarded him with a soul-warming smile—soul-stealing, really. Pretty white teeth, each one a precious pearl, and perfectly formed lips stole his attention. And the sound of her tinkling laughter…

He was doomed. Cast into the pits of agony because this untouchable—forbidden—woman stirred something inside him that had long been dormant. Perhaps never there before. There were dozens of local lasses worthy of his affection and respect, but they all paled in comparison to this striking woman. She was fire and ice, sunlight and moonlight, sweet and bitter, and any other paradox his addled mind could create.

“Why are ye staring at me?” she asked, appearing uncomfortable.

“I hold ye in the highest esteem, lass—yer tenacity and iron will to survive.”

Again, her features softened at his words. Aye, he’d have to tread carefully with this one. She missed little if anything. If only he could reach out and caress her cheek—provide comfort and reassurance with tender kisses.

For a brief moment he forgot himself and leaned closer, his mouth hovering just above hers. Adam’s heartbeat intensified, and his mind swirled with anticipation of what she would taste like. What it would feel like to hold her in his arms? But as their gazes clashed, he remembered her words, how men always wanted something… Damn it, she was beautiful and smelled so lovely and looked so perfect.

Be the honorable man ye were raised to be…

Author Bio:

USA Today Bestselling author Violetta Rand was raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, and spent her childhood reading, writing, and playing soccer. After meeting her husband in New England, they moved to Alaska where she spent a decade working as a scientist before quitting her day job to pursue her dream as a full time writer.

Violetta still lives in Alaska and spends her days writing evocative romance. When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she enjoys time with her husband, pets, and friends.

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My So-Called Scoundrel by Fenna Edgewood


Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Steamy Regency Romance

Date Published: March 30, 2023

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When one finds a bleeding, half-naked, indescribably handsome man in one’s bed, does one…


• Scream

• Faint

• Hit him with a large book

• Push him back out the window he climbed in

• Bandage his wounds like a sensible bluestocking-in-the-making


The most perfectly imperfect debutante…

Marigold Spencer was never supposed to have a London Season. For heaven’s sake, she was never even supposed to become a lady! The former housemaid of a duke, Marigold is thrust into the limelight when her siblings marry far above their stations. Suddenly faced with the marriage mart, her escort and chaperone is not only one of ton’s most notorious scoundrels**,** but the utterly infuriating man still won’t tell her where he got the knife wound that led him to her bed that night.


…can still tempt the deadliest of rogues…

Lord Leigh Blakeley’s path took a sharp turn from seductive rake to vengeful assassin long ago. Yet when he finally returns home for a visit, he nearly ruins his new sister-in-law’s reputation for good by falling into her bed after a misadventure. Now Leigh finds himself forced to play chaperone to a debutante… one who unexpectedly enchants his cynical heart. And when Leigh foolishly proposes to teach the innocent young Miss Spencer something of the ways of pleasure, he ignites an inferno of passion that quickly turns unquenchable.

When another man presents Miss Spencer with an irresistible proposition, Leigh realizes the desire of his heart is quickly slipping away. Though he’s never intended to wed, Leigh finds himself making an offer Miss Spencer can’t possibly refuse… or can she?


In this tantalizing Regency romance by USA Today bestselling author Fenna Edgewood, desire knows no bounds as the most unlikely of lovers succumb to the flames of their passion and defy society’s expectations.

The Blakeley Manor Series

Lady Briar Weds the Scot

#1 The Blakeley Manor Series

Kiss Me, My Duke

#2 The Blakeley Manor Series

My So-Called Scoundrel

#3 The Blakeley Manor Series

About the Author

Fenna Edgewood writes swoon-worthy, humorous stories of love, family, and adventure. In other words, the most important things in life! She is an award-winning retired academic who has studied English literature for most of her life. After a twenty-five-year hiatus from writing romance as a twelve-year-old, she has returned to the genre with a bang. Fenna has lived and traveled across North America, most notably above the Arctic Circle. She now resides back on the Prairies with her husband and two tiny tots (who are adorable but generally terrible research assistants).

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The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam

The Romanov Heiress
Jennifer Laam
Publication date: March 20th 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical

Four sisters in hiding. A grand duchess in disguise. Dark family secrets revealed…an alternate future for the Romanov sisters from Jennifer Laam, author of The Secret Daughter of the Tsar and The Lost Season of Love and Snow.

With her parents and brother missing and presumed dead, Grand Duchess Olga Romanova must keep her younger sisters safe. The Bolsheviks are determined to eliminate any remaining holdovers from the tsarist regime, hunting down the last Romanovs and putting them to death. Now living in England, the Romanov sisters remain hidden to protect their identities, even as isolation strains their relationships.

But they can’t distance themselves from the world forever.

Olga learns that a peer of the realm has accused the late Empress Alexandra of betraying Russia and her allies during the Great War. Under the spell of the scheming Grigori Rasputin, Alexandra disclosed military secrets to the enemy and pursued a separate peace with Germany. If this rumor becomes history, it will destroy her mother’s legacy and her sisters’ futures.

Disguised as “Olivia,” a wartime nurse turned maid, Olga accepts a position in Lord Hammond’s household. There, she works to discover the truth about her mother. When Olga meets his lordship’s heir—an alluring, enigmatic war veteran—her situation grows even more precarious. Could she fall for the son of her new enemy? As she learns more about the tragedies of his past, Olga realizes the connection between their families is more complicated than it appears.

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August 1918

The fugitive lay on her back, bruised limbs pressed flat, hidden alongside her sisters underneath a mound of coarse blankets. As the ambulance rumbled to a halt, gasoline fumes flooded the rear compartment, masking the heavy odor of their unwashed bodies. Her breathing grew labored. She didn’t know where they were or who had stopped them. She only knew they must not make a sound.

Over the past weeks, they moved slowly through land held by the Bolsheviks. Every evening at dusk, they ate carefully rationed portions of tinned meat and dry wafers while their two saviors—agents from England with forged papers identifying them as officers of the Red Guard—checked the radio transmitter for word of Allied progress toward the northern ports along the White Sea. Then, during the scant hours of darkness afforded by the short summer nights, they traveled a tortuous course to avoid military checkpoints.

Bundled in tattered sweaters, Olga and her three sisters were gaunt. Their neglected hair hung limp about their shoulders. But their faces once adorned postcards, calendars, and boxes of fancy chocolates. If detained, they would be recognized at once.

The missing daughters of the tsar.

Anastasia’s warm body pressed closer, trembling as she tensed her jaw and tried to stifle a cough.

A terrifying scenario unfolded in Olga’s mind. Thick boots pounded on the roadway before soldiers with red stars tacked to their lapels tossed the blankets aside and dragged Olga and her sisters back into the hellish world they’d been so desperate to escape. What if this journey had been for nothing? Worse than nothing because they had left their parents and sick little brother, Alexei, behind.

Olga was twenty-two years old and the eldest. It fell on her to get them through this nightmare, no matter the outcome.

She felt around until she located her youngest sister’s hand. She held it tight, flinching at the hard calluses and pus leaking from an erupted blister on the pad of Anastasia’s thumb.

Deep masculine voices, muddled and indistinct, rumbled outside. The fingers of Olga’s free hand balled into fists, rage displacing fear. The Bolsheviks may have stolen everything she held dear, but Olga would confront them as a true Romanov. Unbroken. When they raised their revolvers, she would hold her head high and ensure her face haunted these traitors for the rest of their lives.

The back door of the old field ambulance creaked open. Tentatively, Olga drew the blanket down. After hours of near-darkness, sunlight momentarily blurred her vision. When Olga released Anastasia’s hand and sat upright, a cool breeze caressed her forehead.

Before her stood a broad-shouldered gentleman of about fifty, with black brows, a full beard flecked with gray, and brown eyes behind wire-framed spectacles. The man wore a khaki tunic, as Papa had during the war. The coat’s golden buttons and belt buckle gleamed in the morning sun.

“Your imperial highness.” The gentleman removed his hat and bowed his head. He had spoken in English. She assumed he was the commanding officer. A half-dozen other men stood behind him, each dressed in the same khaki uniform. Some rose on tip-toe to get a closer look at Olga.

None bore a red star on his lapel.

Her sisters emerged from under the blankets. They pressed her shoulders, exhalations warm on the back of her neck.

“I think he’s in charge.” Tatiana, the second eldest, whispered in Olga’s ear. “And waiting for you to speak first.”

A spark of hope ignited in her heart, yet Olga didn’t trust these strangers. It had been far too long since anyone outside her family had shown her kindness or respect. For months, they had been kept under constant watch: shoved about, subjected to barking orders and humiliating whims, and made to feel they clung to life by the thinnest of threads. Olga remembered the defeated expression on her little brother’s face when she’d said goodbye for the last time. Even her once proud father bent under the weight of captivity.

Their saviors, the two men who had rescued them from that nightmare, rounded the vehicle and walked toward the soldiers, broad smiles brightening their ruddy faces.

And then the words fell from Olga’s tongue easily, as Mama had always preferred to speak English with her family. “We are here then? We’ve made it to British soil?”

“We have delivered you to Arkhangelsk. From here, you will be transported to your new home.”

“We are in your debt, sir.”

Olga waited because she knew he would say more. There had to be more. While they had been rescued, their parents and brother remained imprisoned in Ekaterinburg, along with a handful of loyal servants.

“You will return for the others, won’t you?” she said, heart thumping. “My family. Our doctor. My mother’s maid. You must promise.”

The officer held her gaze. “The Bolsheviks fortified their defenses around the city’s perimeter. We can’t send our agents back to the house.”

Faced with those terrible words, Olga couldn’t bring herself to ask anything else. Couldn’t bear to hear it was too late. Her stomach churned, but she must not break. Not here. Not yet. As the eldest, she needed to stay strong. For her sisters.

When Olga said nothing more, the officer turned back to his men. Three soldiers joined him, lining up before her sisters to help them out of the ambulance.

“I know you are in pain,” the officer told her. “Remember that you and your sisters are safe. You survived. And we have done everything in our power to find a secure place for you. I promise.”

Author Bio:

An avid history nerd, Jennifer currently lives in California with a spoiled tabby cat named Jonesy. When not reading or writing, she enjoys planning cosplay for the next San Diego Comic-Con, experimenting with vegetarian recipes (to mixed results), and obsessing over House Targaryen or Baby Yoda.

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The Dollmaker by Morgan Shamy

The Dollmaker
Morgan Shamy
Publication date: February 28th 2023
Genres: Young Adult, Historical, Mystery

No one is safe. Not when the Dollmaker lurks in the shadows.

When Dawn Hildegard’s best friend Rose is kidnapped by “The Dollmaker,” a crazed serial killer who creates “art” from women’s bodies, she drops everything to find her—including her dream of becoming a doctor. With the help of a handsome new acquaintance and his mysterious brother, they set off to find the killer. Although they quickly become friends, Dawn cannot shake the uneasy feeling that the brothers know more about the murders than they admit.

As more and more victims are found murdered and displayed throughout town, Dawn must use her wits to find Rose before it’s too late. And before she too becomes the Dollmaker’s next victim.

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He slowly began to pace in front of her, his shaded head tipped in thought. His legs were long in the dark, though he wasn’t much taller than her. Bits of slanted light streamed in from the floorboards above them, highlighting the divots of his face. She still couldn’t see him clearly.

“I’ve never had anyone find me before,” he said. “And I take pride in the fact that no one does. I lead a quiet life, and uninterrupted life, and now… you’ve interrupted it.”

He paused, facing her head on. He was nothing more than a shadow in front of her. She held still, silent. If he was The Dollmaker, she didn’t want to make him upset. He hadn’t killed her yet, but maybe he liked to toy with his prey before he slaughtered them.

“I won’t tell anyone about you,” she choked out. “Just let me go.”

He let out a bitter laugh. “And why should I believe you?”

“Why are you trying to stay hidden?”

Both of their questions hung in the air.

He started pacing again. Her heart was hammering its way up into her throat, she could barely breathe. She edged back a step. His head snapped up and he sprung forward once more. He gripped her upper arm and began to drag her into the dark, away from the orchestra pit. She struggled against him, trying to rip out of his embrace, but his hold was concrete. He led her through a dark hallway that slanted upward at an incline, until the hallway stopped at a dead end. A door towered in front of above them. She still couldn’t see his face.

He moved in close, yanking her up against him, until she felt his breath on her cheek. “If you tell anyone about me—anyone at all—I will know. And if you do, there will be consequences greater than you can imagine. Death will follow, I can assure you that.”

Author Bio:

Morgan Shamy is an ex-ballerina turned YA writer. She has been immersed in the arts since the young age of 4, where she performed various roles alongside a professional ballet company for over seven years, and has danced on prestigious stages like soloing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. She has taught hundreds of girls in her fifteen years of teaching, where some of her students have received full-ride scholarships to schools like School of American Ballet, the Harid Conservatory, Kirov Academy of Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet, to name a few.

Morgan discovered writing when her three-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer. It was through that experience which instilled the need to share art and magic with children through words on the page.

Morgan is also an accomplished concert pianist. She was the first girl in Utah to receive the 75 pt. Gold Cup in the Utah Federation of Music in piano solo/concerto competition. Morgan currently lives with her X-Games gold-medalist husband and four children in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Exceptionally Unconventional by Victoria Clarke

Exceptionally Unconventional
Victoria Clarke
Publication date: February 27th 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical, Historical Romance, Romance

The Honorable Miss Lucilla Iverson is an exceptionally unconventional young heiress trying her best to be unexceptionally conventional despite her love of horses and racing curricles. When she attracts the attention of a hardened older bachelor, a duke, no less, it sets the ton afire with anticipation.

Many young bucks seek her approval, including a notorious (and now penniless) gamester who intends to marry Miss Iverson and her money whether or not she agrees. On an inside track for Lucilla’s attention is Oliver, Lord Hartwell, despite a near miss at running her over while driving his phaeton in the company of his cousin, the handsome and mysterious duke. Which of the three will win her heart and hand, to live happily ever after? That is the question!

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“Miss Iverson has been quite amicable to every young man that we have presented to her all evening. Is something amiss, Lady Edevane?”

“Sharp as ever, Clementina. The boy has been toadying her for weeks and does not seem to take a hint.”

“I see!” Mrs. Drummond-Burrell replied, her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. She did not appreciate being used as means to force a young lady’s hand and made mental note to mention this episode to her fellow patronesses at their next meeting.

In the ballroom, Miss Iverson allowed herself to be led to the floor and begrudgingly took her place. As the music began, Mr. Moore’s arm came about her waist. Her eyes glanced up at his and she fixed a withering glare upon him. He was undaunted, and indeed barely managed to conceal a smirk.

“Why do you look at me so, Lucilla?” he asked mockingly.

“I do not recall giving you leave to use my name, Mr. Moore.”

“Perhaps you did not, but we are such old friends, what is the harm in it?”

“It may not be harmful, but as it is not pleasing to my ear, I will request you not use it, if you please,” she replied witheringly as they whirled about the room.

“Whatever have I done to make you so upset, Miss Iverson?”

“Other than your underhanded effort to force me to accept a waltz with you, Mr. Moore?”

“I should think the effort was rather successful,” was his cheerful reply.

Miss Iverson’s jaw clenched. People were watching, she knew, so for quite some time she performed her steps in silence while he spoke on mundane topics and considered himself to have won the round. No one could overhear them, but anyone could surely guess she was angry at her dancing partner, and so she forced herself to fix a smile on her face as she looked up at him again.

“It is clear to me that in spite of my mother’s efforts to convince me otherwise, you are quite aware that I do not seek to encourage your familiarity.” Her words were deliberately blunt in an attempt to knock him off his perch, and it appeared to succeed, for his brow darkened momentarily. But as suddenly as it appeared, the frown vanished and he plastered a false smile on his face.

“You wound me, Miss Iverson! What have I done to draw such ire? I have surely not offended you.”

“You are well aware that your attentions offend me.”

“I am at a loss to understand why, for I am your humble servant.”

This drew her eyes up in a flash, and she said scornfully, “Indeed!”

“Have I not loved you since childhood?”

“I vividly recall your penchant for tossing spiders at me.”

“Only in my childish efforts to gain your notice, I assure you.”

“Then I suppose you were also in love with my brothers?” she replied with sarcasm ebbing in her voice.

As he paused to consider the right thing to say in reply, she suddenly pulled away from him and he realized the music had ended. She bobbed a quick and shallow curtsy before spinning on her heel and marching away. He felt irritation wash over him at her defiance. Yes, a less troublesome wife would be best. But he might enjoy breaking Miss Iverson of her spirit.

Author Bio:

I am an Australian writer, traveller, and horse rider. I am a lover of all things England and history – with a healthy side of sci-fi and fantasy.

My debut novel ‘Exceptionally Unconventional’ was written during 2020-21 while my late mother was fighting her final battle with breast cancer. I wrote it in a largely light-hearted way in an effort to keep her spirits up during that time – several of the characters were parodied versions of her acquaintances, so I was very happy to have succeeded in that particular endeavour!

She never got to see it published, but just a few weeks after she passed away, I was offered a contract on it from one of the first publishers I submitted it to. You’ll notice the dedication I chose when it finally came time to write one.

I am currently working on my second manuscript.

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The King’s Mistress by Clyve Rose



Date Published: January 24,2023

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing

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Lady Lydia Clifton must escape a brutal forced marriage and she must get out of England however she can, but Valkin Brishen, King of the Romany stands in her way, and he means to unravel why she is on the run, and why she’s pretending to be his mistress.


Thrown to the wolves by her father, Lady Lydia Clifton faces a forced marriage and all the brutality that comes with the Earl of Basingstoke. She must flee and has only one way out of England: disguise herself as Martha Dale, mistress to the Romany king.

Lydia knows her brother Wil became estranged from their family and all of English aristocracy because he fell in love with a Romany woman. That makes this white lie more potent, as it offers the kind of protection that just might keep her safe.

Despite her reputation being in tatters, all Lydia needs to do is to make it to France, and into the care of her oldest brother, Roger.

King Valkin Brishen is fully aware lies and subterfuge can and has brought harm to his people, yet when his men find a lovely English maid on the run who claims to be his mistress, anger battles with more than curiosity over exactly why this English rose is fleeing with such haste.

Her flight speaks of courage, but her deceit could put his people in peril.

And more, he wonders if it’s worth the risk to his heart if he takes her under his protection.


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Only the Valet Will Do by Sophie Barnes


Historical Romance

Date Published: February 14, 2023

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A fated love destined to test their devotion…


When Lady Lilliana gets stuck in a hole and Mr. Tristan Henley comes to her rescue, sparks immediately fly. Unfortunately, instead of being a fellow peer, Mr. Henley is merely a valet. So as much as Lilliana would like to pursue a romantic attachment with him, she must refrain, lest she ruin her reputation. Something she probably should have considered before she welcomed his kisses.

Intent on supporting his family, Tristan seeks employment, only to fall for a woman he knows he cannot have. Lady Lilliana is everything he could possibly dream of in a life partner. But pursuing her could spell disaster for them both. Because the last thing Tristan needs is the complication he’ll have to deal with if she discovers he’s not who he claims to be.

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author, Sophie Barnes, has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency.

She has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor’s degree from Parson’s School of design, but most impressive of all – she’s been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.

While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion – writing.

When she’s not busy, dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family. She currently lives on the East Coast.

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Sea Magic by Heidi McIntyre

Sea Magic
Heidi McIntyre
Publication date: February 13th 2023
Genres: Historical, Magical Realism, Women’s Fiction

When a reluctant psychic tracks a ghost through the mists of time, the treasure she discovers is worth more than gold.

She knows everyone in this seaside, New England town of Penbrook, and everyone knows her—Madeline Hunter, the shy, quiet antique shop owner who whose idea of a hot date is snuggling up with a good book and her cat, Poe.

But she keeps one thing under her vintage hat—her ability to touch an object and connect with its history. Her new-age aunt says she should embrace her “gift”, but she’d rather pretend it doesn’t exist.

After buying an old box at an estate sale filled with rare items, Madeline started having dreams—startlingly vivid dreams about Maria, a young headstrong Puritan whose “knowing” could get her branded as a witch, and whose forbidden love for a poor sailor caused a scandal.

Together with Evan, an attractive history professor who tempts her to believe in love, she uncovers Maria’s story, helpless to stop its trajectory toward tragedy. She may not be able to change the course of history, but with Evan’s support, maybe she can lay the ghosts of the past to rest—including her own.

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Maria Hallett
Cape Cod, August 1717

There was a perilous storm last night, with gusts of wind that tore through Eastham like a scourge. The violence of the driving rain had matched my own rage, a pain so bone deep I wondered how I would survive it.

That’s what grief had become for me, a boiling pot of emotions that kept me teetering on the edge. My love was everything to me—my North Star, my

protector, and my deliverer. But now all that was left of him was this interminable rain that drove his coffin deeper into its watery grave.

I placed my shawl on the wet sand and sat down, glaring at the ocean as if I could resurrect him at will. My legs itched from the rough fabric of my homespun

skirt bunched up above my ankles. I picked up a fistful of the cool sand, let it sift through my fingers, and smelled the musty, brackish air. As I undid the pins

of my white cap, my hair billowed like a sail in the breeze.

The noonday sun had long been hidden behind dark, gray clouds—the last remnants of that dreadful weather. A much worse storm had already laid

its mark on this place just four months ago. The devil had a hand in that horrible night, I’m sure of it. At low tide, I could still see the planked shell of his ship like

the bones of a beached whale.

I was afraid my little cottage just above those cliff dunes would be torn apart, so I hid out in my uncle’s barn not but a quarter mile from here. The lashing

rain and howling wind woke me in the middle of the night, giving me a jittery feeling, and I knew something had gone terribly wrong. I pulled my blanket up to my neck and burrowed deep in the hay, but sleep did not come.

The townspeople said I was a witch, but I swear on the Lord’s Holy Bible that was a lie. I admit to having a knowing, just like I knew a storm was brewing

long before the wind picked up and the sky turned pitch-black.

I must humbly confess, for as long as I could remember, I had this feeling about certain things, like a seed that had been planted deep inside me. But I don’t cast spells or cavort with the devil. And I can’t see the future.

My knowing’s neither good nor evil…it just is.

Author Bio:

Always an avid reader, Heidi was inspired to write by her college professor who convinced her to switch majors to English. From then on, she harbored a secret wish to write a novel one day. Heidi spent most of her marketing career as a consultant specializing in fresh produce where she worked with a variety of growers, commodity boards, and associations. Her marketing campaigns received multiple awards.

Sea Magic is her debut novel and the first of the Hidden Gems series, which was also a finalist in the 2022 Page Turner Awards. Originally from New Jersey, Heidi lives in Oviedo, Florida with her husband, Tim, and their dog Pumpkin. She loves coffee, chocolate, yoga and visiting historical places.

Heidi pens a quarterly newsletter about her passion for writing, marketing, and the history of her characters. For more information, visit

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The Worst Woman in London by Julia Bennet

The Worst Woman in London
Julia Bennet
Publication date: February 2nd 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical, Historical Romance

A defiant Victorian wife fights to escape a bad marriage but her love for a forbidden man jeopardizes her chance at freedom.

James Standish knows how to play society’s game. He’ll follow the rules, marry a virginal debutante, and inherit a massive fortune. At least, that’s the plan until he meets Francesca Thorne. She’s not the sort of woman a respectable gentleman like James could ever marry—not least because, strictly speaking, she’s married already.

Francesca is determined to flout convention and divorce her philandering husband. When James sweet talks his way into her life tasked with convincing her to abandon her dream of freedom, she’s unprepared for the passion that flares between them.

Torn apart by conflicting desires, James and Francesca must choose whether to keep chasing the lives they’ve always wanted or take a chance on a new and forbidden love.

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Ten minutes before intermission, Francesca entered the crush room and found James asleep in his chair.

He looked different in repose, gentle and unguarded. Faint laugh lines marked the corner of each eye and, underneath, light shadows. What had put them there? Not worry, surely. Too many late nights, perhaps? His lips, so often curled sardonically, looked different too—softer, capable of compassion as well as teasing.

Ah, she’d seen his compassion. The remembrance made her want to smooth the hair from his brow.

The stray impulse took her by surprise. He didn’t need her tenderness. He was an English gentleman of means. Problems melted away before the bright rays of his wealth and breeding. She’d long lost her tendency to romanticize men of his type, or so she’d thought. Yet here she was again.

His breaths grew shallower. Soon he would open his eyes and they’d exchange awkward greetings. His duty to Edward discharged, he’d have nothing left to say, and, anyway, how did one behave toward a man who’d seen one fall apart? If only she’d waited for the end of the act, Caroline would be here now and this whole encounter with James could’ve been avoided. But, even though Edward had stopped pawing Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Francesca had wanted to escape. Fleeing from trouble; a worrying tendency she needed to check.

Just when she’d decided to back away slowly, James opened one eye. He smiled up at her and shut it again before she had a chance to speak. Since he made no effort to hide a broad grin, she knew he wasn’t still sleepy. What did he mean by it?

“Jemmy, are you perchance a little the worse for drink?” she asked, escape plan forgotten.

“Certainly not, you rude girl,” he said, though his eyes remained closed.

Laughter welled up in her chest, but she held it in check. “Then perhaps you’re feeling unwell?”

“I’m never unwell.” How he managed to convey urbane insouciance while sprawled in a chair she’d never know. “This is the crush room, is it not?”

“Of course it is.”

“Well, there you are, then. I slipped in early to avoid the crush.”

How provoking he was when not comforting crying women. She waited, but he didn’t speak. “You were sleeping,” she informed him.

“Nonsense, I was resting my eyes.”

“That’s what all the old men say.”

At last, both eyes snapped open. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a forked tongue?”

Author Bio:

Julia writes historical romance with passion, intrigue, dark humor and the occasional animal sidekick. A tea-sodden English woman, she’s the only girl in a house of boys and yearns for all things pink and fluffy. If she isn’t writing, she’s probably reading everything she can get her hands on, spending time with her boys or procrastinating on the internet.

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