His Vicious Vow by Fiona Murphy

Title: His Vicious Vow
Series: Vicious Vegas #1
Author: Fiona Murphy
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Tropes: Age Gap Romance
Release Date: April 21, 2023


The barely old enough to drink girl I’m forced to marry is an anime loving, manga reading, selective mute brat who wears too much eyeliner that highlights the anger in her eyes. Neither of us want this marriage but it will happen. I’ve worked too hard for too long not to do whatever it takes to run Vegas on behalf of the Outfit.

I’m not surprised when Carina runs. What I wasn’t ready for is how much I want to catch her. Not because I have to marry her, because I want to—want her. I want her for her. Panic attacks, eye liner, curvy gorgeous body and all. The problem comes with convincing her.

Carina may take some to believe me, believe in me. I’m not worried. We have all the time in the world because she belongs to me and I’m never letting her go.

***This features rough sexual scenes and a young woman using substance to self-medicate. And a ‘warning’ I never thought I would have to include is there is pregnancy in the book. If such things offend you please do not buy. This is a standalone that takes place in the Sabatini world. Milos and Celia from Beautiful Broken Obsession also appear as Carina is Celia’s sister. You need not have read any other book to enjoy this. If you want to, the book that leads directly into this is HIS: Luca. ***


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Due to commitment issues I have lived in many different cities and my favorite is Chicago but I have managed to settle into Austin and perhaps my commitment issues are behind me. 

I have enjoyed reading from a very young age and it wasn’t long before the children books bored me and I read the books my mother enjoyed Stephen King and Dean Koontz and I didn’t sleep without the light on until I was about ten. 

I came across my first Harlequin by accident and it was love at first read, no one died and happy endings? It was a whole new world and I loved it. 

I wrote my first story at eight and everyone died, of course. Since then I would like to think I’ve gotten better and now I’m writing the happily ever afters I first fell in love with, with some hot sex thrown in along the way. 

As a plus size woman myself, I have started writing the stories I always wanted to see myself in but never did. And now I’m ecstatic to give BBWs the happily ever afters with hot Alphas I want to read.


Stolen Flowers by Annabeth Monroe

Title: Stolen Flowers
Series: Stolen #1
Author: Annabeth Monroe
Genre: Dark Billionaire BDSM Romance
Tropes: Forbidden/Stepfather/Age Gap
Release Date: April 21, 2023


“Do you think I make such cruel decisions lightly? You were born for this. You just don’t know it yet.”

Dorian Hamilton married a gorgeous movie star siren. Unfortunately, their marriage crumbled and his obsession with his innocent stepdaughter began. Consumed by thoughts of revenge, Dorian makes Georgina his unwilling ward.

Willful and hurt, Georgina becomes infatuated by her stepfather—the only person who’s cared for her. But she doesn’t know of his sinister plans to break her.

Dorian introduces Georgina to The Gardens, a training mansion for perfect submissives. The girls there are rewarded with a Master, a new name, and a life of submission, never wanting for anything.

But when Dorian reveals the extent of his devious plan for her, Georgina’s newfound obsession with him mixes with her mother’s twisted past. She can only run for so long until she admits defeat… and finally gives daddy what he wants.

Stolen Flowers is the first book of the Stolen series, and can be read as standalone.

This is a dark billionaire D/s romance with plenty of heat. No cheating, happy ending guaranteed.


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Annabeth Monroe is a forever dreamer, still debating whether her need to write is a blessing or a curse. She lives with her husband and their fur babies in a small, tranquil city. In her free time, she loves to stare at gothic art, wander in beautiful nature, and devour books with tragic endings.


Dear Mr. Dad Bod by Nichole Rose

Dear Mr. Dad Bod

A Dad Bod 2.0: Large and In Charge Novel

by Nichole Rose

Genre: A Curvy Girl Steamy Age-Gap Romance

Dear Mr. Dad Bod: Where do I apply to be your baby girl?

Madden Banks
Things I never thought I’d do:
Become social media’s resident sexpert, Mr. Dad Bod.
Post thirst traps.
Fall head over heels for a girl half my age.
But here I am, anyway.
The whole world tunes in to ask me burning questions about their kinks and see my dad bod in all its glory.
So it shouldn’t be any surprise when they’re front and center the day the curvy dancer of my dreams appears.
Olive Crosby has my heart trying to beat out of my chest…and I’ve never even met her in person.
That’s about to change.
This daddy is claiming his little princess, and I don’t care who is watching.

Olive Crosby
Being social media’s resident curvy dancer can be exhausting.
Everyone knows my name, but no one knows me.
Until the night I slip into Mr. Dad Bod’s live to ask him the question I’ve been dying to ask.
Now, everyone knows my secret.
And they know just who I want to fulfill my naughty fantasy.
But I didn’t anticipate the whole world tuning in to watch it unfold.
Nor did I expect to fall for the mysterious Madden Banks.
He’s everything I expected and so much more.
Can we really make this work, or was asking for a daddy a little too much real for the world to handle?

Watch out! This silver fox and his younger curvy girl are taking your favorite social media app (and heart) by storm in this age-gap romance. If you enjoy OTT possessive older men, instalove goodness, and scorching hot romance, you’ll love Madden and Olive’s steamy story.

The Dad Bods are back, and they’re Bigger, Bolder, and Burlier than ever! This April, join your favorite authors and the men packing a little somethin’ extra for their women in
Dad Bod 2.0: Large And In Charge.

**PreOrder Now – Releases Apr 24th!!**

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Nichole Rose writes filthy, feel-good curvy girl romance. Her books feature headstrong, sassy women and the alpha males who consume them. From grumpy detectives to country boys with attitude to instalove and over-the-top declarations, nothing is off-limits.

Nichole is sure to have a steamy, sweet story just right for everyone. She fully believes the world is ugly enough without trying to fit falling in love into a one-size-fits-all box.

When not writing, Nichole enjoys fine wine, cute shoes, and everything supernatural. She is happily married to the love of her life and is a proud mama to the world’s most ridiculous fur-babies. She lives on the west coast.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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Teaser Tuesday- Roman by Marteeka Karland


(Iron Tzars MC)

Contemporary Romance, Suspense, Motorcycle Club, Age Gap

Date Published: February 10, 2023


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Winter — My life hasn’t been easy. For so long, my sister has been the only one I could rely on. When we were teenagers our father sold us to sexual predators who hurt us. We both have the scars to prove it. But we were rescued, and I got revenge for both of us. That was over a decade ago. I love the home we found with Black Reign, but now it’s time to move on. To live outside the cocoon the club wrapped us in. Another club who’s found a girl in a situation similar to the hell we left behind all those years ago may be our answer. One man in particular calls to me on a primitive level. His name is Roman. And I want him for my own.

Roman — I’m the enforcer for Iron Tzars. Violence is in the job description. Never thought I’d find myself attracted to a woman as fragile as Winter. She and her sister have been through a lot, but there’s a core of iron in her. She’s stronger than she looks, and the fight in her stirs the primitive Alpha male inside me. It’s time I show her she’s more than the sum of her scars. She’s a friggin’ goddess.



All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2023 Marteeka Karland



I’d never been so glad to leave a place behind as I cheerfully rolled out of Lake Worth, Florida. I did my part as enforcer for Iron Tzars, but the entire time we’d been there I felt like we were outgunned. Black Reign MC might not be a rival club, but they were by no means safe. As evidenced by the way they took care of business with the fucking men we’d caught taking orphans from the group home in the city.

Violence didn’t bother me. If a motherfucker deserved it, there was no limit. My balls were twitching because of the casual ease with which that bastard, Chief, had taken the skin off the men he tortured. Yeah, Brick had participated, but our VP was emotionless on the best of days. Chief and El Diablo were different. I wouldn’t say they enjoyed the act, but I wouldn’t say they didn’t, either. It hadn’t bothered them in the least.

But what really had me glad to see this place in my rear view were the twin women who haunted the place like ghosts. Eerily lovely, they always seemed to be where I was. Neither said anything, but they stared at me constantly. More than one of Black Reign’s members gave me the stink-eye over it, too though no one would tell me why. Only that I should stay away from them. I didn’t even know the pair’s names, for fuck’s sake! Didn’t want to know!

I drove the Bronco we’d taken as a chase vehicle down to Lake Worth. Normally I’d ride my bike with the other brothers, but someone had to drive the big thing back to Evansville. As Road Captain, the task would normally fall to Clutch, but he’d had a family emergency and had headed back early. After that, I’d drawn the short straw. My bike was stowed in the trailer, and here I was. Behind the wheel of a fucking cage.

Lost in thought, my eyes on the road as my brothers surrounded the cage in front and behind, I reached over and switched on the radio. I had no desire to dwell on another club. Not even one our former president — and my long-time friend — now belonged to. I was an enforcer in Iron Tzars. Not Sergeant at Arms. I didn’t need to find trouble, only punish it. Besides, if Sting — our current president and son to the former president — had decided Warlock had to be killed for his infractions against the club, I would be responsible for carrying out the sentence. I didn’t want to do that. It looked like El Diablo had forestalled anything in that regard, though I had no idea why. It was rare for anyone to leave the Iron Tzars. When they did, the situation was permanent. Warlock was only the second man I knew of not to die when he left or was asked to leave. Oh, well. Above my paygrade. I was just thankful I didn’t have to kill my brother.

A tap on my shoulder had my head whipping around. When I saw that same eerily lovely face I’d been trying not to think about right next to mine, I was so startled I jerked the wheel. The girl squealed and disappeared from my immediate vision.

“What the fuck?” The Bronco hit the rumble strips on the shoulder. My tires must have squealed, because several of the riders in front of us either glanced over their shoulder or turned their head slightly to look in their mirrors. They moved to the center lane in case I was out of control. When I slowed and pulled fully onto the shoulder, they followed.

I got as far over as I could but didn’t turn on my flashers. Though we weren’t hauling any contraband, I’d rather not enlist the help of a good Samaritan or, God forbid, the state police.

Once stopped, I put the thing in park and turned around. “What the everlasting, God forsaken fuck are you doing in my fuckin’ vehicle?” I growled at the girl but tried not to yell. I got the feeling she was fragile and, though I was angry, I didn’t want to scare her. As I spoke, the other one poked her head from behind the backseat in the cargo area. “Shoulda guessed. You two ain’t ever far apart.” There was a knock at my window, saving the girls from a lecture.

Instead of rolling down the window, I opened the door and stepped out. The two girls ducked back behind the seat, the first one having returned to what had probably been their hiding place in my fucking Bronco.

“You good?” Brick peered inside the vehicle, looking for a threat. His hand was on the gun at his hip, but he didn’t draw.

“Yeah. Just realized I had a couple of stowaways.”

Brick raised an eyebrow. Instead of explaining, I walked him around to the back and opened the tail door for him to see for himself. They were hiding behind cargo, but both of them poked their heads up when I opened the door so I could see their eyes and the top of their heads over their hiding place.

“Fuck.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “You two in trouble?”

One of them shook her head. The other girl shrank back.

“You know you can’t stay with us. We’ll have to take you back.”

“No.” The braver of the two shook her head. “We want to stay with you.”

“You afraid to go back?” Brick crossed big arms over his brawny chest. “They hurt you?”

Black Reign didn’t seem like the type of club to hurt women. They were protective as all get out of any of the women under their care, especially these two. The idea that any woman might be running from that club didn’t sit well with me, but the thought that either of these women had an issue with them made me want to drive back and beat the fuck out of someone.

“No,” she said in a soft voice. “It was time to leave.”

I looked at Brick. “We’re only an hour from home. We could let Black Reign know once we get back to the clubhouse.”

“Let me check with Sting. He may know something we don’t. If not, he’ll decide what to do.”

“Can we please stop at a gas station or something?” The braver one raised her head farther as she spoke. “It’s why I bothered you. We need a bathroom break.”

“You shoulda said something before now,” I groused. “We’ve been on the fuckin’ road for twelve fuckin’ hours! Stopped twice! Why didn’t you get out then?”

“We were afraid we wouldn’t be quick enough, and we’d get left behind.” Her voice was almost musical but soft. And it affected me like a gentle stroke down my chest headed straight to my cock. I needed to squash that feeling hard. This girl wasn’t up to taking me on, even if she’d wanted to.

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “I can’t fuckin’ believe this. Get your asses in the back seat and buckle up.” I thought they’d get out the back, but both of them climbed over the back seat and did as instructed.

“Jesus, Roman, could you sound any more like a fuckin’ old man?”

“Shut the fuck up, Brick.” Then I muttered under my breath. “Motherfucker.”

A couple miles down the road, Brick pulled the group over at a Buc-ee’s and everyone in the club surrounded the Bronco as the women got out. And they were women, not older girls like I’d first thought. The shy one shrank behind her sister when the men crowded around them both. We didn’t get into their personal space, but it was something that would have probably freaked any woman out.

“Jesus, guys, back off ‘em!” Iris, Sting’s ol’ lady, was going to be a great match for our president. “Are you trying to frighten them to death?”

Sting chuckled, watching as his woman went to my stowaways. “Better do what she says, boys. She’s a force of nature when she wants to be.”

Naturally, we didn’t need Sting’s OK to back off. The girls looked terrified. The braver one had a determined look on her face as she lifted her chin. “We’re not fragile. There’re a lot of you. And you’re all big.”

“Of course, you’re not fragile.” Iris took her hand and reached for the other one. “Everyone, this is Winter. Her sister here is Serelda.”

“You know them well, baby?” Sting stood close to his woman, but not close enough to spook the other two.

“No. But I’m looking forward to getting to know them.”

The author on…




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